Thursday, March 10, 2011


As I was writing out a list of my favorite smells, I realized that hand sanitizer made it on the list.

This may seem strange, but I love the superclean smell of hand sanitizer. Maybe it's because my hands touch so many pieces of library material each day. I can actually feel it on my hands when I've touched so many books and CDs and DVDs and talking books that come in from all kinds of people and have been who knows where.

And when I don't have time to wash my hands, it's comforting to be able to grab a quick squirt of hand sanitizer. Ahhh, fresh and clean.

Have you ever seen the tv show Monk? Hilarious. Anyway, Adrian Monk, the detective, has his assistant carry around wipes so after he shakes someone's hand or touches something not-so-clean, he can wipe the germs off. Hmmm. Maybe I need an assistant to carry around hand sanitizer for me.

And those little hand sanitizer stations I keep seeing around in public places? I love them! I use them every time I see them. The automatic ones are especially neat. And the ones with foam...

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