Thursday, June 9, 2011

Running Away From Running

A few weeks ago (months? hard to tell), I ran 7 miles. At once. On the treadmill in my basement. While watching The A-Team. But that part's not really important...

Anyway, I ran 7 miles! Hooray!

But now, apparently, after hitting that significant milestone, I have completely lost interest in running. I've run maybe three times since then.

Part of the reason is probably that, since joining the gym for a whole year, I've wanted to go there more often. I don't run at the gym because...well, just because.

Things I've Learned About Running, As I Apparently Wrap Up This Season of My Life:

-I love exercise and the way it makes me feel (look...).

-I don't love running.

-I never found the elusive "runner's high." Unless that's what a second wind is.

-Running makes my knees hurt.

-There are other ways to exercise that don't involve... running.

-I am not going to run 10 miles. Which was my New Year's resolution. I've accepted it and I'm moving on.

I guess I just got sick of running. I never fell in love with it, and I found cycling instead to fill that hole. I really love the cycling classes at the gym, and I'm able to go three times a week and challenge myself.

So, goodbye, running. At least for now.


Sarah Ann said...

Laura I love reading your blog! You are stinken hilarious!! Most of the time I wait to close it out till Frank comes home to show him!

Laura said...

I'm so glad, Sarah! That makes me happy to hear you say that!