Wednesday, May 16, 2012


Sometimes I'll be talking with someone and I'll sort of have an out-of-body experience.

I'm talking to an adult.

I am an adult.

I'm having an adult conversation.

Like, the kind my parents have. Like the kind they always had when I was bored and wanted to go home and play Barbies.

Whoa, did I just make a corny joke about the weather? Why am I talking about "kids these days"? Surely everyone will know I'm just a twelve-year-old in a twenty-three-year-old's body as my mouth (without my brain's approval) has now changed the subject to... wait, grocery store sales? Who am I?

Is this just me? When I was younger, I thought everyone older than me knew what they were doing. Now, I keep catching myself being surprised that I'm doing grown-up things like making small-talk with strangers. I thought things would be different...

But I sort of have the feeling that I won't be ready to be sixty, either.


Anonymous said...

Totally there with you. I have a similar internal monologue constantly.

Michelle said...

haha! I agree. I still think I'm 18. And then when I'm acting like an 18 year old...people stare. And I still don't know what I'm doing...I'm just really good at pretending...LOL!