Monday, December 6, 2010

But Who's Counting?

It seems like when it comes to certain habits or traditions, someone is always counting.

We're celebrating a birthday? Oh, well cake calories don't count when you're celebrating a birthday.

Listening to Christmas music in October? I'm covering my ears! It doesn't count because it's too early!

Playing a game? Wait - I wasn't ready! That doesn't count!

The traditional plugging in of the lights on the Christmas tree! 3...2...1..Oops. They don't work. That doesn't count! That doesn't count!

It's funny; we want to dictate the conditions of a certain thing and not allow it to "really happen" if we aren't satisfied with the outcome.

I'm thinking about this today because I woke up to a light snow outside. To me, the first snowfall of the season doesn't count until the grass is completely (and I mean completely) covered.

"Look! It's snowing!"
"Eh, doesn't count."

I want to cover my eyes or cancel something out or do something over until it "counts." I want to decide what counts and what doesn't count!

Well, that's pretty selfish. Who am I to decide when something should count, much less gripe and moan about things not happening the way I want? I don't want to miss out on things or let it bother me if something unplanned happens.

Here comes a cliché for you. Ready?

Life is short - make it count.


Life is short - eat dessert first. It doesn't count when you eat it first.

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