Friday, February 3, 2012

You Know You're a Librarian If...

  • You ever feel the need to create a book display themed around whatever's currently going on in your life.
  • You sometimes just want to *shush* people.
  • You like to open a book and smell it.
  • You hate eBooks on principle. But you pretend to like them and, in fact, promote them.
  • You find yourself strangely drawn to pictures of cats.
  • You think the world's problems would be solved if everyone would just get a library card already.
  • You get excited when someone desperately needs your help because you love a good challenge.
  • You follow movie and book news like some people follow sports.
  • You have too many things to read already. But you keep adding to your pile because you don't want to hurt any of the books' feelings.
  • You have to keep defending your profession to people who don't think it's real or think it's not going to last.
  • You give people free things.
  • You know how to be resourceful with what you have.
  • You wear a lot of hats. You are a storyteller. A negotiator. A researcher, a teacher, a technician.
  • Your idea of a fun evening is going home and putting on pajama pants and making tea.
Perhaps to be continued one day...


Linda said...

What do you do if you think you might be a closet librarian?????

Anonymous said...

Some of those definitely apply to me. Especially ebooks!