Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Happy Working Song, Whistle While You Work, Etc.

Cleaning is very gratifying work.

Sure, a lot of the time I don't feel like it. But it can be very peaceful and calming. If I'm stressed, or I have to work through something in my head, I clean. If I've been sitting around for a while and need to bounce up and move around, I clean. And obviously, if something needs to be cleaned, I clean.

As a girl and as an introvert, I think a lot. Too much. At any given moment you'd find me overthinking, analyzing, evaluating, worrying, obsessing, processing, etc. It helps to have something physical to do while I'm thinking. This would also account for exercise, playing with rubber bands, cracking my knuckles, stuff like that. So why not do something useful while I'm thinking, like cleaning?

It feels good to make something clean. I work and I see the benefits of my work. Just me and my brush. Or cloth. Or elbow grease.

Cleaning is also a good opportunity to sing. Loudly. With or without accompanying music. Helpful songs may include the working songs from Enchanted or Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs. But if you have helpful woodland creatures who would like to assist, you might want to rethink that plan.

Seriously? You don't need deer licking the plates before a bunny dries them with her tail. And then the squirrels pop them back in the cupboard? I don't think so. Highly unsanitary. I recommend old-fashioned soap and water.

Why are you still here? Get out there and clean something!

1 comment:

Linda said...

I was always a little grossed out by the whole deer licking the dishes thing too. It's a relief to know that I'm not alone!