Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Neville's Receding Leaf-Line

I'm sure you've all been wondering how Neville is.

He's still losing leaves, but he hasn't lost his spirit. I thought I was going to have to chuck him, but he's hanging on.

I do still have to pick dead leaves off, but at least they're not all gone.

And, I may have figured out why he's so dejected.

A plant from a neighboring desk seems to be making some kind of move on him. Observe (and tilt your head to the side because I couldn't load the picture straight for some reason):

See, this other plant is, well, flourishing. It's a bit disheartening to me, so I can't even comprehend how difficult it must be for Neville. Here he is, trying to find his place in this world and hanging on by a thread most days, while this other plant actually appears to be coming over to brag about its good health.

I find its gloating to be rather disgusting, really. Here's a closer look:

As you can see, Trevor the frog pot is protecting Neville as best he can. But those leaves are creeping closer every day. This is a very real problem for Neville, who is having self-esteem issues even without having another plant's thriving leaves pushed into his face.

Notice how you can't even see Neville's leaves in this second picture. The few he has are right on top. Like a comb-over.

Frankly, I'm embarassed for him.

So, morale is low on my library desk. Any suggestions on improving Neville's mental health would be appreciated. Short of therapy, obviously. I'm in grad school; I can't afford a plant psychiatrist right now.


Mark Allman said...

Maybe you are reading the situation wrong... maybe he is hanging on because of the neighboring plant??? Perhaps you need to slide him closer and let him intertwine with the other plant and see what happens. Who knows you might have to buy some new pots! :)

Anonymous said...

Perhaps move him to the other side of your library desk to protect his personal space (assuming that his overgrown neighbor hasn't taken the other side over to taunt him on that side as well), spread his, ahem, "leaves," and flourish?? :) Try reading to him too ... I've heard about the many positive influences of reading to plants ... something incredibly engaging ... something from one of your grad classes??