Friday, July 27, 2012

Neville's Walkabout

Happy National Take Your Houseplants for a Walk Day!

Yes, I'm serious.

Grab that houseplant of yours. The one cooped up inside. And take that little guy for a walk! If it's a big guy, you may need a wagon. Just sayin'.

This auspicious holiday is a good day to update you all on Neville. My work houseplant.

Well, I'm sure he would LOVE to be taken for a walk. Or hate it. Most of the time it's hard to judge Neville's emotions. Truthfully, he would probably not care one way or another.

Neville's a little green around the gills these days. Well, not green. If he was green, he would be more healthy. He's actually a little brown around the gills.

His leaf tips are turning brown. And yellow. And white. Can't be good. And I'm not even a plant expert.


So I'm pulling off these bad leaves every day, hoping that the remaining green leaves will get the nutrition they need and that Neville will pull through. Pull through, Neville! You're named for a Gryffindor, one of the most courageous, I might add!

Fingers crossed and no idea what I'm doing. It's hard being a single mother with no green thumbs to a plant.

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