Thursday, January 20, 2011

Crazy Day in the Life

I had a crazy day at the library yesterday.

We were busy all day and I never really had time to stop and catch my breath. Days like this are good once in a while, but I think I'd go nuts if I worked somewhere that was hectic all the time. The other librarians joke about the library not being an emergency room and no one's going to die... meaning that we shouldn't have to feel pressure. If I worked in an emergency room, I would probably

not. I would not work in an emergency room.

The craziest I want my day to get is to have a kid crying because he has to leave the train table, two library cards I'm trying to register at once, the phone ringing, an overflowing bookdrop, and a patron wondering where the bathroom is.

Seriously? the bathroom? Everyone has to walk right by it to get into the library, yet this is one of the most commonly asked questions. Whatever; at least it's one I can answer. Those are the best kind of questions.

When I get home from work, whether it's a crazy day like yesterday or a normal day, I take an unofficial vow of silence. Being an introvert, I have used up my quota of words for the day. I have smiled until my cheeks hurt, answered the phone until  I sound like a robot, and talked until my own voice sounds odd to my ears. When I get home, all I want to do is sit down, stare into space, and keep my mouth closed.

Yeah, I know what you're thinking. We librarians have quite the wild night life. Well, I can't speak for the entire demographic, but as for me? Give me a cup of tea and my socks with little snowflakes on them.


Alissa Williams said...

Laura, reading this made me smile! I miss you and hope to see you somtime soon! We need to catch up.

Laura said...

Hey Alissa! Glad to make you smile. :) I'm sure we'll bump into each other one of these days...