Friday, August 19, 2011


Normalcy = Routine

Routine = Comfort

Comfort = Happiness.

And that's that.

I'm one of those people who is completely satisfied with doing the same kinds of thing all the time. Nothing too crazy, nothing too out of the box. I like working the same hours and then doing the same kinds of things to relax when I'm not working.

There have been times when I've made spontaneous decisions, then got really nervous when living with them. When I decide things too quickly, I get scared I haven't thought through all my options.

To me, spending a predictable time with my family or friends is what makes me feel safe and happy. Coming home after work and watching another episode of a tv show I enjoy? I could do that every day.

Routine. It's what keeps me going. Sure, I try to go outside it once in a while. And I have people that push me to. I'm not completely opposed to change, though it's not my favorite thing. I work through it. But I don't think it's wrong to have a good dose of consistency. It keeps me together when other parts of my life get crazy.

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