Friday, October 21, 2011

Words With People Who Are Smarter Than Me

I started something.

Something big.

Now, I don't know if I can stop.

I am speaking of Words with Friends. This Facebook application is pretty much Scrabble. By a different name. Now, I never liked Scrabble. I avoided it. Because I was never really good at it. Not sure why - I'm good with words and spelling and such. I just can't get creative or strategic enough to score very high.

All of a sudden, I found myself sucked into Words with Friends. Someone started a game with me, and I was like, sure why not.

Then, two more people started games with me, because they saw I was playing. Then, two more.

It's like a full-time job! There is a lot of time spent staring at the computer screen, wondering if a word exists that uses x, y, z, and two i's.

I get confused with all these different games I've got going on. I wish I could swap letters among games. I am losing four out of the five games I'm playing. Go figure. I need to learn some of those two-letter words!

I'm not especially proud of playing "dish" the other day. But I'm getting better! I hope! Because I'm kind of getting addicted.

Oops, got to go. Someone else just started a game with me. Wish me luck!


Unknown said...

Game on...

ps. they have websites for all the 3 letter words/ words without vowels, etc! just google it! :)

Unknown said...

i meant 2 letter words...