I think it's pretty super awesome. If I do say so, myself.
People who sign up for library programs should put down a deposit. Like $20. If they come to the library program, they get their money back. That may seem like a lot, but it needs to be something people might think twice about losing.
If they don't show without calling and cancelling (unless it's an emergency)...well then, the library just got a sweet donation.
Let me explain.
1. The library staff puts lots of work into programs. Planning, organizing, creating.
2. The library staff puts lots of money into programs. Well, not lots. But money. And money that takes away from other things we could be doing. The number of people registered dictates the food and materials we buy. I've had 20 kids sign up for a story time, so I create 20 take-home crafts. If 5 come, it's embarassing, frankly. And a waste of time and money.
3. Libaries don't have a lot of resources. So it's a bummer to waste them.
4. People have this tendency to consider free things to be, well, sort of worthless. If something is free, often people don't give them much priority. This also goes for library programs.
5. Guess what? Calling to cancel for a library program at the last minute is annoying, but it's at least better than us going through with the program if 75% of the group ends up not coming. Seriously? And how hard it it to call and give us a heads-up?
6. SO, maybe if people put some money towards programs that they will get back if they consider common courtesy (ccc!), they will place more value on library programs.
This isn't exactly a new idea. Libraries have charged for programs before. My library only asks patrons to pay fees if we have a special instructor coming in who needs money for materials. Like a painting class or something. And a deposit is fair, since people who are polite will get their money back.
I think I'm onto something here. At the very least, I'm making myself feel a little better.
I just really wish people would be more considerate of their libraries. Don't stand us up if you get a better offer, especially if you don't call and cancel.
The public library depends on the community. Don't let us down!
*climbs down off soapbox*
Wow! What an insight. I think a $5 registration would be fair.
We did this at church. We had an event which the church was willing to pay everything for, but we decided to charge $10 or something like that, just so people would make a commitment. You are right - it is no fun to be on the planning end of things and expect a certain number, and then have them not show up.
That's a good idea. Money does tend to equal commitment!
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