Friday, May 17, 2013

Park It Right Here

So, where do you park?

Obviously, there's something very exciting and satisfying about finding the best spot in the lot. You turn in just in time to snag a parking space right next to the handicapped section. Hooray!

This is especially gratifying if it's raining outside. If it's raining, of course I'm wearing my moccasins (wearing them basically guarantees rain) and of course I don't have my umbrella. Grabbing the perfect spot will give me the momentum I need to run in between the few raindrops I encounter on my way to the door!

But sometimes, if it's not raining... who cares about parking close up? I'm strong. I have long legs that work. I like to engage in extra physical activity.

Oh, and on beautiful, sunshiney days? I park as far away as I can!

I really don't mind walking. And if my parking a bit farther away frees up better spots for people who have trouble walking very far, then why not?

Mmm, nothing like a brisk stride across a parking lot. Gets the blood flowing.

And to me, the ability to "pull through" a parking spot totally trumps a closer spot. Yay for not having to back up! Parking lots can be crazy to drive through.

I'd rather walk.


Mark Allman said...

There is a disadvantage to getting that prime real estate parking spot and it is at the end of the day when you walk past it to where you normally park only then to remember you scoring that key spot that morning. Then you are ticked off since retracing your afternoon steps is a pain in the butt and a reminder of how we are on autopilot too much.

I also like to pull through to a parking spot that is pointing towards the exit. So hop in and go straight out; no squeezing by the guy who does not know how long his truck is and does not know to pull up all the way into the spot; no having to back up to make the turn around a car who is using two spots to prevent a scratch(Oh the temptation); no having to watch for peeps to dodge; and no one pulling out and you slamming on your brakes.

jingalls said...

ease of exit is always my first concern when parking. i know i'm not the greatest parker or reverser so it just makes it easy. and like you, i don't really mind walking further.

Laura said...

Good points! I see I'm not the only one who thinks this through!