Monday, November 26, 2012

Pass This On and Save a Life! Or Not.

Come on, people.

You're smart! You're adults. With jobs. And common sense.

Seriously, it really bugs me when people post things on Facebook or forward an email without confirming their validity.

Sure, it's a heartwarming story, but is it true? Yes, it's a crazy controversial statement sure to stir up discussion, but was it actually said?

Often it's not.

You can usually tell at the end when it implores you to pass it along.


My go-to site is Or I'll just google the story. Often Snopes will be the first site to come up. This tackles urban myths and legends head-on!

So don't just mindlessly pass something along. Chances are, that person didn't actually say that. That didn't actually happen. Or the real story is something much simpler that has been twisted beyond recognition.

Really, are you going to believe everything you read on the internet?

If so, I have a Nigerian prince who would like your contact info.

1 comment:

Mark Allman said...

I talked to my mom one day who was upset she had opened an email and it told her that it was a virus and it was going to wipe clean all of the credit cards in her possession. After convincing her that her credit cards were safe inside of her pocketbook from that anon email I talked to her about the issue of trusting whatever someone wants to write. When getting some of those emails I researched them and send back to the sender the falseness of what they sent out. I think I have been removed from most mailing list now.