Friday, February 8, 2013

But I AM a Girl...

When I was a little girl, I remember a time when I would deny liking pink. Other little girls would say "Pink is my favorite color!" and I would shoot them a haughty look and sniff "I like blue better."

I'm sure I had pink clothes and pink Barbies and pink scrunchies or whatever. I did like pink. But I didn't want to be associated with pink simply because I was a girl. I can like whichever color I want, thank you very much!

I really really wish I could be into football. The same way I didn't want to be associated with pink. I never wanted to be seen as a ditzy girl who asked dumb questions at sporting events.

Unfortunately, I don't care about football. And I don't want to learn about it. I wish I was into it so I could surprise guys with my wealth of knowledge, but that's not going to happen.

All of this is to say, I choose my Super Bowl team based on outfit color.

Yes, I have said "outfit" during Super Bowl-related conversations. And been ridiculed. It's a uniform, or a jersey or whatever.

So can you guess who my team was? That's right, the Ravens! Yay purple!

However, the 49ers' colors are scarlet and gold  - Gryffindor colors - so that was a tough call. But the tiebreaker was that the Ravens are named after Edgar Allen Poe's Raven. Poe lived in Baltimore, Maryland. How cool is that? Literary reference!

So that's why I "cheered" for the Ravens. And here I use the word "cheered" to refer to eating food in the same room as the tv and glancing up when the commercials were on.

And, I wasn't even in the same room as the tv for the entire second half. Whoops.

This was my favorite Super Bowl commercial. Hooray for libraries still being relevant! Of course, librarians will probably never escape from the "shhhh" stigma. Oh well.

1 comment:

Mark Allman said...

That was a good commercial. I am glad you were in the room when it was on.