Wednesday, August 10, 2011

It's On the Tip of My Brain

I read the book. I contemplated good discussion questions. I researched the author's life.

Oh yeah, I was ready for this book club.

One thought kept nagging me, but I dismissed it. Surely, when the time came and I opened my mouth, I would know what to do.

I sat down with my group of faithful ladies, opened my folder and my mouth, and cringed.

It was that awkward moment when I realized I didn't know how to pronounce the author's name.

Maybe this isn't such a common problem, but for me, it happens all the time.

I read a lot (duh), and most times, character and author names never leave my brain. So when I do need to pronounce a word I've only read inside my head before, I might suddenly realize I'm not sure how to say it.


I am a librarian, I promise.

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