Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Darkness is Falling

I know, I know...I let this blog go without a new post for a little too long. But that ends today! I'm on it!

I'd just like to say a few words about darkness.

First, not really a fan.

I can remember being little and laying (lying?) in bed being scared of the dark. Who knew what was going on out there where I couldn't see? What creatures were crawling on the floor towards my bed? *shudder* Nightlights sometimes helped, but in a way were almost worse. Being able to see just glimpses of shadows and shapes could be even spookier.

And darkness outside freaks me out. You can't see what's staring at you from the woods. You don't know what's lurking behind the garage. Light! I need light! Either that or a good showtune to start violently singing to keep my spirits up!

It's tough to have the days get shorter this time of year. I should not be yawning at 6pm...I blame the lack of sun for this. What's the point of staying up any later? I just want to go and hibernate. Blankets + music + book + chocolate...darkness does that to me.

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