Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Waiting for My Quest

So sometimes I listen to soundtracks. Epic soundtracks.

The other day I was sitting and listening to music from movies like Harry Potter and Pirates of the Caribbean and getting antsy. I wanted to jump up and have my life match up to these soundtracks!

This got me thinking about quests.

I want one.

From what I've heard, one doesn't necessarily seek out quests. Unless you are a hero in a Greek legend. Usually, the quest comes to you. It finds you because of a letter. A mystery. A crime. A kidnapping. A treasure. A secret. A job only you can do!

Events fall into place, and suddenly you are faced with your quest. You look up slowly, burdened with the weight of your newfound responsibility. You make emotional, meaningful eye contact with several significant people standing around you, and there you have it! You and your comrades are off on your quest!

And then you have adventures. Battles. Moral decisions. Dissension among friends. Triumphs. Lessons. And such.

I'd like one, please.

Is there a sign-up sheet?

The Fellowship of the ring

1 comment:

Linda said...

We have a Greek goddess you can borrow, if you think it will help:-)