Friday, November 4, 2011

The Changing of the Time

What?! The time is changing this weekend?

That's right. Daylight Savings Time officially ends this weekend. And that means we gain an hour! Also, it gets dark earlier...

This post is to remind YOU and it's to remind ME to not get completely confused. Because sometimes a person will forget and get up when she doesn't need to and show up to church an hour early and no one's there. I'm just saying. It could happen. To someone...

So what type of person are you?

1. Time to Sleep
This person is ready to log some extra time in the ol' sleep bank. She has been waiting for months to get this hour, and she's going to enjoy every.single.minute. She goes to sleep at her regular time (even earlier, maybe!) and wakes up feeling refreshed and just so stinkin' proud of herself.

2. Time to Party!
Whoa - we get an extra hour! This person is going to spend this hour enjoying life! He stays up an extra hour just because he can. And then is having so much fun, he stays up even later and wakes up the next morning wondering why he's so tired if he just got an extra hour...

So don't forget to fall back this weekend! I'll catch you next week when we will discuss Christmas music: Too early? That depends on how stressful your days have been!


Anonymous said...

Is there a reason the girl is so responsible and the guy... isn't?

Linda said...

You forgot the grump...the one who can't figure out why with 24 hour factories and big box stores we bother to change the clocks twice a year in the first place.

Laura said...

Anonymous: Ha! It's just a coincidence it ended up that way. I just stuck a different gender in each example and I thought of a girl first because, well, I'm a girl!