Either you are one, or you know one.
It's all well and good to "like" things on Facebook. But what about "liking" something just for the sake of liking it?
Here are two status updates for your consideration:
Laura loves puppies. *like*
Laura needs a ride to the airport. Help! *like*
See the difference here? In the first scenario, you like the status because you also love puppies! Yay for common ground and bonding through your shared interest of puppies!
In the second scenario, you have abused the like button. How does liking this status help? You like and then you move on. No comment, no help, nothing.
Laura made granola. *like*
Laura needs a good recipe for granola. *like*
Wait - what? Why are you rubbing my status in my face? I can't find a good recipe for granola and you like that? How about a suggestion?
Beyond the non-helpful, there's just the plain sadistic.
Laura is wearing a Disney Princess bandaid because she cut her finger. *like* (minor injury, cute bandaid)
Laura broke her toe kicking a library book across the floor. *like*
This may seem tricky, because the situation might seem funny, but the end result is a broken toe! Sympathize!
You don't have to "like" something to prove you read it. I know it's easy to use, but that doesn't mean you have to.
Think about it.
Am I allowed to giggle since I can't "like" this post. It was actually a comfort to know that I'm not the only one who finds "like"-ers a curious bunch at times:-)
Likers only like because they can't think of a clever comment to write instead.
The ones who like the sad posts really kill me. It's like smiling at someone's misfortune!
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