Tuesday, September 6, 2011

I'm a Big Kid Now

Sometimes I think the one thing I love most about being an adult is the right to buy candy whenever and wherever I want." -Ryan Gosling

Being an adult can be strange. For me, the transformation has been quick in some ways, and gradual in others. It can be hard to get used to the freedom.

Remember when you were little and you were always denied candy in the grocery check-out line? Or you didn't understand why it was such a big deal to want to only buy "fun" food?

Well, when you're an adult, you realize that you can't just throw money at those big round colorful lollipops (that actually don't taste that good) or doughnuts in the baked goods section. It just isn't practical.

Sometimes I'll be doing grown-up sorts of things like grocery shopping or scheduling doctor visits or using the ATM, and I'll get the feeling like I'm playing pretend. Like, wait a second, what am I doing here clutching a stack of coupons, comparing prices on mouthwash? When did I start buying boring things like trash cans and antibacterial wipes?

When you're an adult, you've got to be responsible. But it's fun when you realize that you can actually buy whatever you want.

So buy the toilet paper and the eggs. Pay the rent and clip coupons. But once in a while? Buy some candy. Just because you can.


Linda said...

Peanut M&Ms here I come!!

I know what you mean about playing pretend. Every once in a while, even though I'm a couple of years more removed from school than you are, I still have that sneaking suspicion that I just might be playing pretend.

Hannah said...

Hey Laura,

I nominated you for a Liebster Blog award...the information is on my post for today. I love reading your blog, and I'll direct my couple of readers your way!


Laura said...

Thanks, Hannah! That's so sweet! :)