Friday, December 9, 2011

All Gone.

Aaaand, they're out.

I have no more wisdom teeth. And let me say, it's nice to not have to worry about them any more.

The actual surgeon's visit is kind of a blur. The surgeon was, like, "You'll start feeling a little strange," and I was like, huh, I do feel a little strange and then I was awake with blankets on me. In a different room. Where I then proceeded to have conversations that I only sort of remember, like in a dream.

Monday was pretty weird, as I was numb all day and had to keep gauze in my mouth. Which made it hard for me to speak. And I got to change bloody gauze, which, not gonna lie, was pretty gross. Reason #728 that I'm not in the medical field.

Then Tuesday I woke up and wasn't numb anymore. I was sore. And swollen. And hungry. It's strange not being able to really bite into things. Makes me feel like I'm not really eating. I mean, I'm all for Jell-O, pudding, and yogurt, but I'm craving a steak!

Then Wednesday I was just kind of grouchy. Moving around seemed like such an ordeal, it was better to just recline dramatically on pieces of furniture and stare into the distance, moaning quietly.

And yesterday, Thursday, I was back at work! I was a little cloudy in the morning (yay for pain meds!), and pretty sore when I ate lunch (IF you can call it eating...), but on the whole it was nice to be back to real life.

I can think of worse ways to spend a couple days than lounging with blankets in front of the TV, eating soft foods. On the whole, I'd give the whole experience a solid B.

However, now I'm ready to be done. I'm ready to not have such a square-looking jaw. To not have to remember to take medicine. To not have to say no to crunchy/pokey/hard/delicious foods. To not bleed whenever I try to brush my teeth and to not have to feel weird stitches with my tongue.

Okay, pity party's over! Have a nice weekend, friends! And if you haven't had your wisdom teeth out yet, don't worry. It wasn't that bad. It just made for an interesting blog post.

Also, thank goodness I was out the whole time. I don't really want to know what they had to do to me to get those suckers out.

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