Thursday, June 2, 2011

Hammock Reading. Without Bugs.

I love being outside. Don't get me wrong, here.

But it has always been hard for me to sit in the grass and read. Sitting in the grass can just be so...irritating. Back when I was in college, other students would study outside. But I never lasted more than a couple minute.

Bugs. Tickly grass. Wind. People walking by. It was all just too distracting.

So I admit it. I don't really like to read outside. Unless I can control my surroundings a bit more.

We have a hammock that we hang outside in a couple trees, and that isn't too bad! It's suspended above the ground so the grass isn't an issue, and those intrusive bugs that like to crawl up your shorts can't get to you. Ha! Take that, stupid bugs. Find somebody else's leg to climb up!

I remember reading the last Harry Potter book in that hammock. I didn't budge for hours. I didn't have to, since I had some necessities with me.

Phone. Water. More books. Pillow. Food.

Something you should know about me and going somewhere to read: I have to be all set up. Once I'm cozy with my book, I don't like to have to go anywhere. I like to surround myself with anything else I might possibly need.

This is especially important in a hammock all the way in the corner of our backyard. It's kind of an event getting in and out of it. The sharp rocks underneath on an incline make for an exciting adventure.

So do you like to read outside? Do you have a book list for the summer? I don't have anything in particular, since I read nonstop all the time. Although I'm definitely reading Harry Potter again before the last movie comes out.

I'll probably read them in the hammock. For old times' sake.

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