Friday, January 14, 2011

#1 Make a List

At the end of the day, if I have just slogged through and wasted time and not accomplished anything... I feel like bursting into tears. And then eating chocolate. And then wasting more time.

For me, it's always better to have a list, so I can be purposeful in my activity. When I get home from work I make dozens of little choices. These choices can mean the difference between going to bed tired and happy or going to bed depressed and on a sugar high.

I am a very list-y person. Post-it notes, scrap paper, the back of an old library doesn't matter what the list is written on. Sometimes my head gets full of things I want/need to accomplish, and I have to get it down as fast as I can so I can organize my thoughts.

A good list is all about balance. For example:

List A
1. Arrange all books in the house alphabetically.
2. Clean the whole house.
3. Make a gourmet dinner, trying out fifteen new ingredients.
4. Scrapbook the last five years of my life.
5. Write twenty new blog posts.

List B
1. Hang up coat.
2. Put on socks.
3. Stack library books.
4. Eat cereal.
5. Turn on computer.

Obviously, neither one of these lists will do much good. List A will make me feel inadequate and List B will make me feel overconfident in the smallest things. Like tying my shoes or something.

What I need in my lists are some quicker things that will make me feel good to check off quickly, as well as some things that really need to get done but might be a bit more challenging.

Also, one thing I have already done. So I can check that thing off right away and ride that feeling of accomplishment all the way down the rest of the list. Oh, yeah....

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