Monday, January 3, 2011

Zoom Zoom.

I'm a fast walker.

Even if I have no idea where I'm going, I'll get there fast. Purposeful strides. These long legs are good for something.

Zoooooooom...oops, sorry about that. I just blew past you, slowpoke. See you at the finish line.

It's not like I'm in a terrific hurry. I'm just...brisk.

Walking slowly is so agonizing. Just shuffling along with no enthusiasm. I walk slowly if I'm tired or not feeling well. Or if the person I'm walking with is slow.

Maybe I need to stop and smell the roses - I don't know. For now, I'm happy when I'm booking it down the sidewalk with a spring in my step and a song in my heart. Not to be cliche, or anything.

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