Friday, December 31, 2010

Cluttered, Untidy, Jumbled, Disorderly Accumulation

Things to do when your room is a mess:

1. Avoid it as much as possible.

2. Keep the lights off so you don't have to look at it.

3. Blame anything and anybody but you.

4. See if you can cross the floor without actually touching it.

5. Put a quarantine sign on your door to avoid unwelcome guests.

6. Throw white sheets over piles for a festive "winter wonderland" look.

7. Use your room as artistic inspiration for a drawing or poem.

8. Watch that tv show about hoarders so you can reassure yourself, "at least I'm not THAT bad."

9. Let out loud, dramatic sighs and hope someone wanders in and offers to organize something for you.

10. Um, clean it.


Unknown said...

This is how I feel about my Christmas decorations!! :)

jingalls said...

you forgot "declare it a disaster area and request assistance from fema for clean up".

Laura said...

That can be #11. :)