Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Eye Love My Eyes

Did you ever close your eyes when you were playing hide-and-seek because you thought, for some reason, that made you harder to spot? I did.

What is it about closing your eyes? That simple act gives you a controlled moment of peace.

Did you ever wish you could close your eyes and then open them to find yourself transported to another place or time? I have.

It hasn't worked yet. But that doesn't mean it never will, right? Right?

When I close my eyes, I can momentarily block out what's happening around me. If I'm in the middle of a conversation, this is seen as pretty weird.

Closing my eyes gives me a moment to collect myself. A moment to think of something. A moment to consult with myself on important issues...

All right. Seriously, I know that when I close my eyes that nothing will change by the time I open them up again. But that moment of peace and darkenss reassures me that everything will be okay if I just take a breath.

Oh, and that moment also reassures me that my eyes still work. So that's good.

1 comment:

Molly said...

Yay for eyes working! Haha.