Wednesday, April 27, 2011

It Seems a Little Wormish Today

So I went on a walk this morning. Me and about a million worms. Half of which were dead.

I'm glad I decided to walk rather than run this morning, because it would've been a lot harder to sidestep those little guys if I'd been moving quicker.

Even walking, though, I felt like I was playing a game of "don't step on the cracks," worm edition.

And what a variety!

Skinny. Fat. Long. Short. Curled up. Stretched out. Wiggling. Smushed.

I'm making myself a little queasy just writing about them.

Oh, worms. I'm going to try not to think about how you were all surrounding me. Closing in. Squirming around every corner.

Ugh. I'm all for spring rain, but if the rain brings the worms...Less of a fan.