Friday, April 29, 2011

The Refreshing Library Patron

You came in looking so sad. A woman with a crestfallen look on her face. You said, "I got a letter about my book being late. I'm so sorry! I'll pay the fine right now!"

What?! How refreshing! You mean you're not going to glare at me like I'M the one who:

-lent it to my irresponsible neighbor?
-lost it under my bed for 3 months?
-thought I was so important that at I could just return material when I chose?

Wow, you're nice. You're actually going to apologize for the inconvenience of having to send a letter? You'r not going to demand to speak to the director? Question my intelligence? Ask for proof of the fine so you can catch me in some kind of deception?

No, really, it's okay, nice woman. We're not mad and judgmental, just glad you brought it back! AND, you're going to pay the fine without whining? You're awesome.

Would you please stay at the library forever and be an example to some *ahem* other patrons who don't have your same attitude? Those patrons who think they are entitled to take advantage of the library by arguing over deserved fines? Who think that somehow because our services are free, we should just let you walk all over us?

Mini library rant, here.

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