Tuesday, April 26, 2011

A is for Asparagus

I think that asparagus is a pretty classy vegetable. I can't say I've ever really eaten it before this spring, but I've had it a couple times recently, and simply love it!

This has been a hard winter, vegetable-wise. Pretty much just broccoli. And more broccoli. And, hey, here's some broccoli. I can't wait to go to the farmers market again and get some interesting vegetables.

But spring is asparagus-time, apparently. And it is so fresh and delicious! I've been steaming it on the stovetop in a pan of water so it's still a little crunchy.

Now, when I used to think of asparagus, this came to mind:

Or maybe this:

But now, I think of this:

And I feel sort of like a cannibal or something. Thanks a lot, Veggie Tales.

Anyway, asparagus just seems so elegant. Even the name. A-s-p-a-r-a-g-u-s. Ahhh, delightful. So long and green and lovely.

Eat some asparagus today.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

You have not convinced me... Junior is the only asparagus you will ever find at my house! :)