Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Maybe I Should Take Up Knitting

I am a multitasker. And I love to do things the most efficient way possible.

An example of this is the lazy man's load, seen here. Lazy or efficient? You be the judge.

It's hard for me to just do one thing at a time. This is why I sometimes carry around a rubber band and don't even realize that I'm playing with it.

This is also why it's hard for me to wait. In a line or in a waiting room. Wow, I hate waiting rooms. I will pick up the most random magazine ever so I can feel like I'm doing something. Fishing for Trout? Sure, my favorite.

Now that the weather's nicer (sort of...) I can take more walks outside. Problem is, just taking a walk is hard for me. That's why it's nice to take my phone and talk to a friend or listen to a podcast on my ipod. Because just walking is so unproductive!

I know. I have a problem. There are worse problems, though...

Here's another example. In the library, when I arrange books on a smaller cart to shelve, I arrange them in the order of the library. So I can just make a giant circle around the area. Or so whoever else will be shelving them can. For instance, I put the new books in alphabetical order, then the non-fiction in numerical order (according to the dewey decimal system, of course), then the fiction in alphabetical order, then the mystery, young adult, large print...etc. There will be NO doubling back or retracing steps here, no way!

So I might be found checking out someone's books while cleaning bits of paper off the counter. Watching a YouTube video while organizing my room. Brushing my teeth in the morning while making my lunch. Things like that.

Oh, and you're probably wondering what the title of this post has to do with anything. Well, I just always thought it would be handy to learn how to knit, so I could always carry something "productive" around with me. So I could make a scarf or something so I'm never without anything to do. Right now, I try to carry books around, if they're small enough!

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