Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Artistic, Shmartistic

List of Things I Can Draw

1. stick people

2. a snail

3. a turtle

4. stars

5. flowers

6. smiley face

7. variations on the smiley face

8. spirals

9. open book

10. a cross

And that's pretty much it.

So if you looked over my shoulder during the sort of class I needed to doodle during to be able to pay attention, you would probably think I was perusing the sketchbook I had when I was six.

When you're six, drawing a recognizable turtle would be cause for admiration. When you're 21, maybe it's better to pretend you're holding back. "Oh, this old thing? Well, it was only an hour-long class, so I didn't have time to add the EIFFEL TOWER it's actually standing on."

Oh, well. I'll never be able to draw well. I picture exactly how I'll draw something in my head, put pencil to paper, and then my arm becomes possessed by the arm of a drunken sailor. At sea during a storm. Whose hand is actually a hook.

Oh! I could probably draw a decent hook at the end of a stick person's arm!

11. a hook

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