Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Besides Which You See

A little confidence can take you quite a long way.

Think about it. When you're in a store or at a restaurant, or somewhere you are receiving assistance from a worker, confidence is reassuring. You want to see that the person repairing your car, cutting your hair, or serving your food knows what he or she's doing.

Picture this. You're getting your teeth cleaned. Someone is reaching into your mouth with sharp-looking instruments. This is not exactly fun to begin with. Now, picture the person sweating. Looking nervous. Giggling anxiously. Moving trembling fingers toward your mouth. Are you having second thoughts?

Ugh. Now I'm thinking about the dentist. Where was I...? Oh, right. Confidence.

To be perfectly honest, faked confidence can work in a pinch. Obviously, not when dealing with a life or death matter - "Sure, I can operate on you! It looks simple enough on tv!"

Confidence is the talk. Even if you are uncertain, be decisive on what you DO know. Be honest about what you DON'T know. And then just go from there, exhuding confidence like the sweet smell of chocolate chip cookies baking.

Yum. Now I'm thinking about chocolate chip cookies. Come on now, back on topic!

Confidence is eye contact. Even if you do know what you're talking about, staring at the floor and mumbling it isn't going to inspire confidence in a small child, let alone anyone else.

Confidence is the walk. Now, this helps if you're wearing boots, but you can get by with other shoes as well. Walk confidently. If you're ducking around corners, tripping on the corner of the carpeting, or shuffling and scuffing, no one will follow you anywhere.

If all else fails, follow Julie Andrews's advice. It's always worked for me.

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