Thursday, March 31, 2011

Now Quiet Down, Children

Yesterday, I got to be the substitute storyteller.

The children's librarian needed a replacement for morning storytime, so she asked me. I was so excited!

Let me just tell you something. I love reading out loud. Preferably to someone. But I've been known to read out loud to myself.

I love reading. And reading out loud just takes it to the next level. Of awesomeness. I've read kids' books to college students when I was in school, and let me just tell you that it doesn't matter HOW old you are; everyone loves a good story.

It's like magic. Even the loudest, most obnoxious kids quiet down. Parents with their kids are engrossed. I realize as I'm reading that the room has fallen silent. Mouths are hanging open and my every word is just being absorbed.

When I read aloud, I like to hear what the kids are thinking. (I recommend doing this whenever you can. They come up with the best stuff.) Yesterday we were reading books about the sense of smell. So I asked what their favorite smells are. One kid said confidently, "Mac and cheese!" This caused me to crave this comfort food for the entire rest of the day.

We also read a book about a garden, and a girl who wanted to grow jellybeans and seashells. I asked the kids what they've tried to grow in their gardens. Among the answers were "bones" and "my head."

We read The Story of Ferdinand, about the bull who would rather smell flowers than fight. The kids thought that book was pretty exciting. They all agreed at the end that they liked it.

What a fun morning!

1 comment:

snippiddydoda said...

Ferdinand was always one of my favorite stories!