Wednesday, March 30, 2011

This is Just Getting Ridiculous

Spring and I aren't exactly on speaking terms, currently.

I feel betrayed. Like I was promised chocolate and got a pot of dirt dumped on my head instead. Spring poked its little bunny head out a couple times weeks ago, but I'm starting to give up hope that it's ever really coming.

It's hard to believe that, not that long ago, the entire library staff had their faces smushed against the library windows, watching robins hop around in the grass. GRASS, not OLD, DIRTY SNOW.

And now, someone said the other day that we might just go from winter to summer. ExcUSE me? Winter to summer? Thanks a lot, spring. You wet blanket. You destroyer of dreams.

I LOVE spring. I don't want to miss out on it!

I'm just going to continue pouting now.

1 comment:

Michelle said...

I couldn't agree more. Everyday I watch the weather forecast, with blind hope, that it will miraculously change from the frigid 40s to the warm balmy breezes of the 60s. But alas, I face disappointment with each weekly outcome: it won't be in the (low) 50s until NEXT Tuesday. So depressing.