Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Stick 'Em Up

There's something about stickers.

What is it? Why are they so appealing?

Is it the billions of shapes, colors, characters, even smells and textures?

Is it the little somethin' special they add to paper they stick on?

Is it the big amount of joy they bring compared to the small cost?

Well, I don't know. All I know is, people love stickers.

I used to collect stickers. I still have a lot of them. And by "collect," I mean people just gave me a lot of stickers and I put them in a big envelope. And I didn't use any of my "favorite" ones. I just looked at them once in a while and congratulated myself on having such awesome stickers.

At the library circulation desk, we have big, round stickers that proclaim, "I got my library card today!" They are, in a word, spectacular.

(If you can get past the fact that they look like the stickers a kid would get in a dentist's or doctor's office. That creeps me out a little bit. Guess what? Stickers are NOT cool enough to make up for shots.)

Kids are besides themselves when I give them a library card sticker after they get their library card. Wear it with pride, kid! I've even had adults ask me for one. Adults who've had their library cards for years. Um..okay? I tell you what, the people need their stickers.

The blue sticker is actually the EXACT one we have at the library!


jingalls said...

i'd like to make a correction to your comment about stickers and shots..... doctors who have really cool, big character stickers make up for giving shots.

Laura said...

Well, you're definitely tougher than me. I'm a real wimp when it comes to shots!