Tuesday, March 29, 2011

The Voices In My Head


Common Thoughts That "Run" Through My Mind When I Run

haha...see what I did there? run...? okay, on to the list:

1. I hate running.

2. I love running!

3. Man, these pink sneakers look good on my feet.

4. How far have I gone so far?

5. That's IT???!!!

6. Go faster; you can handle it.

7. Go slower; who do you think you are?

8. I wonder how many chocolate chip cookies I've burned off?

9. I want to stop.

10. Keep going, you old woman!

11. No, I really want to stop.

12. Shut up!

13. Am I almost done?

14. No. Yes. No. Yes. No. Yes.

15. Repeat thoughts 1 through 14 approximately 37 times.

16. I'm done! Woo-hoooooo! Look at me! I'm so awesome! Thank you, thank you, thank you...

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