Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Unexpected Rendezvous

Have you ever been in a store (or library!) or other public place, seen someone you know, and then mentally gone through your choices?

Okay. There's Jane. I kind of know her. Should I keep looking until we make eye contact - no! What if I meet up with her? I should make it on my own terms. If I pass her now, that'll be it. We'll both smile and be done with it.


Okay. There's that guy I can't remember his name or where I know him from. Will he recognize me from wherever we know each other from? Should I pretend to remember him? No. I'll hide.


Okay. There's John. It's kind of weird to see him here outside of where I normally see him. Maybe I'll just go this back way so we don't have to make small talk...

Please tell me this isn't just me that does weird things like this. I'll see someone I know (or at least recognize) and then wait until the right moment to casually acknowledge him/her with a wave and smile. Does it have to be that dramatic?

When I'm working at the library, it can be awkward to not remember how I know someone. Especially now, having seen so many people there. I can't remember if I actually know a woman or if I just recognize her from picking up her romance novels every Wednesday afternoon.

Luckily, I'm friendly to everyone. So I'm nice to people I know, people I don't know, and people I know I know but don't know why or how.

So that's okay.

1 comment:

jingalls said...

don't worry. i've had the same dilema. and then there's always those moments you're with your parents and someone THEY know says hello. and you have you wait until they're out of earshot to ask who they were.