Friday, February 25, 2011

Chocolate? Fail.

So, I know it's only the end of February, but I thought I'd just give a little New Year's resolution update. Don't pretend like you weren't dying to know.

Go ahead and refresh your memory here, if you're still reading.

Okay, so here's how it's going:

1. Neville is alive, and, dare I say it, growing! I'm still trying to find the balance between bone dry and soaking wet. Harder than you might think. However, Neville has received not one but TWO gifts from two of my best friends. They said the mug with flowers on it and the cute box with drawers were for my birthday. But they also said (separately) that they wanted their gifts to sit by Neville. So there you go.

2. The Bible reading plan is...well, it's coming along. I'm in Levicitus and Numbers so I'm reading things I know I've read before but seem totally incredible. It's tough, but I'm hanging in there and enjoying the challenge! I'm looking forward to Psalms, a book that I have only recently learned to appreciate.

3. I'm drinking more water! And green tea! So, thanks to that, I now get up around 3 in the morning every night. At least, I think I do. Can't say I'm ever really awake. Too much information? Well, I'm drinking lots of water. Don't pretend you don't know what that means.

4. I've upped my long runs to 6 miles. Oof. Amazing Race is on again, so that's a good time to hop on the treadmill and then spend an hour begging myself to get off. And now that I've officially joined the gym, I'm able to use the elliptical and the stair stepper thing. And I'm taking cycling classes. It helps to do different things.

5. Failure. I'm failing. My last resolution was to eat more chocolate, and this week I am sorry to say that I am not doing well. In fact, I haven't eaten chocolate since SUNDAY. I pretty much see it everywhere I go, but have ignored it for five days! Well, this is the fifth day. So I'm succeeding in terms of this week-long goal, but failing in terms of my New Year's resolution. Don't worry, I'm climbing back on the wagon on Monday!

1 comment:

Beth said...

I made it on your blog!!! I'm so famous now:)