Monday, February 28, 2011

Clean Up, Clean Up, Everybody Everywhere

Keeping my room clean. That's something I feel like I should have mastered by now. (That and drinking water...) And I do clean my room. Continuously. The trouble is, as fast as I clean it, I mess it up.

I hang a shirt up. I throw a shirt on the floor.

I stack my books. I knock over my books.

I put my earrings on my earring rack. I put my earrings next to my earring rack.

I'm good at cleaning my room. Real good. And it can be therapeutic to clean my room. It just gets so frustrating when it won't stay clean! Then, it's like, what's the point? It's like making your bed...

Then, after I keep getting frustrated about keeping my room clean, I get frustrated about getting frustrated.

The thing is, I change my clothes multiple times during the day. To the point that I start to feel like a Barbie. If only my clothes had Velcro tabs... Seriously. Barbie has an outfit for every occupation and activity. She must have a really big Barbie closet.

During the course of the day, I'm Fitness Barbie. Librarian Barbie. Chef Barbie. Cleaning Service Barbie. Night Out Barbie. Lounge-Around-the-House Barbie. Running-Out-to-the-Store Barbie. And the list goes on...

I feel like all I do is change my clothes. So NOTHING will STAY where it's SUPPOSED to be!

Whew. Enough of that. In other news, I went a whole week without tasting chocolate. Last night at about 9pm I almost blew it completely. I was watching the Academy Awards and needed something sweet RIGHT THEN. And everything in the house was chocolate. I was opening cupboards praying that something new would be inside.

But I made it! And I haven't even eaten chocolate yet today! But I will. Oh, I will....

Computer Geek Barbie. Close enough.

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